Thursday, March 19, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 4

Mar 19,

Truth be told, I probably should not be naming these entries as "Home schooling". Because let's face it. I am personally NOT doing any schooling. I am at home, but I am working and going from virtual meeting to virtual meeting. So I am not really contributing much to my kids education. The teachers are sending homework via email and Powerschool, but I am asking the girls to look at it themselves. Sadly, I have no time to do it for them. I have to trust that they are looking for it, and doing it, without any oversight needed from me.

While many parents are already going stir crazy, I have barely noticed that I haven't gone out all week. I guess that is a good thing about having no time to breath. I did, however, notice that the weather outside was so sad and lame. Gray and raining all day. I could see it from my new working spot in my room - where I basically sat all day.

Towards the end of the day Bella brought me a snack: Tea, apples, and peanut butter. So I took a break and we did our little picnic - something we hand't done in weeks.

At some point Lionel came up and laid down next to my desk, and closed his eyes for a few minutes just to take a break from another stressful day.

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