Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 2

Mar 17,

Today went relatively Ok. I was on the phone non-stop starting at 7:30 am, until 1:40 pm. In the meantime the girls got up, got ready, and (I believe) completed their morning school work. They were supposed to eat lunch at noon, but decided to wait around until I got off the phone. They really should have eaten on time, but I appreciate the sentiment. 

To encourage the kids to still stay connected, Bella's teacher asked all of them to wear something green (for Saint Patrick's day) and post a picture of themselves in a community google document. Bella didn't have something green to wear, so I let her help herself with my closet.

Sofia spent a lot of time doing her French homework, and I am pretty sure she also got plenty of phone time.

Emma was super sad because they were officially informed that they are going back home earlier than expected, although no date has been given. I am sure it is going to be a complete nightmare to make travel arrangements for all the students - there are about 2000 of them in the US alone - so for all we know it may still take weeks before they go back home. While I think she lucked out in other aspects (I.e. She went skiing with us and we managed to make this trip before this all started), I understand she is sad that the experience will be shortened. And that it will be sad to leave without the good bye parties all the students thought they would have time to organize. But safety comes first. And in this situation it is probably best that they are back with their real families in case things get even worse.

In the late afternoon they worked together on today's chore, which was cleaning the yard. The weather warmed up, so it was a good day for it. They did a horrible job at it. Clearly, they had no idea what they were doing - or intentions to get it. But they spent time outside and played a little bit with each other, which was a big part of the objective. Lionel and I also took a 20 minute walk, which was much needed after pretty much staying in the same spot working all day. 

For dinner I made pozole, which is always a house favorite. 

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