Monday, March 30, 2020


Mar 30,

These are strange times. Very strange times. A lot of unexpected experiences. A lot of new worries. A lot of new things to be conscious about.  I keep feeling like one day I am going to wake up and realize it was all in my head. I wish it was that way. But through it all, I realize how lucky I am.

I am lucky because I have a family who loves me
I am lucky because I have friends who miss me since we can't be together
I am lucky because even though she is now far, I have a new person who considers me family
I am lucky because I have a home
I am lucky because our house has a backyard
I am lucky because we live close to a park
I am lucky because I have a job
I am lucky because I have access to food
I am lucky because I have a dog to take out for a walk
I am lucky because I have access to technology that allows me to stay in touch
I am lucky because I am in a position to ease the burden of this situation for at least 1 person
I am lucky because even though I have been working a lot of hours, I am doing it in a safe environment
I am lucky because while I work, Bella brings me snacks
I am lucky because working from home we have taken more family walks than any other time
I am lucky because even though working Europe hours right now requires me to get up early, that also means I get to finish while the sun is still out
I am lucky because working a lot means I am not bored at all
I am lucky because no matter what, I have people and a purpose that keep me going

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