Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 12

Mar 31,

Today I did not want to get up. I can tell that this week is going to be more challenging than the last. Getting up at 2:45 feels a whole lot earlier than 3:45. But I got up, and started working at 3:00 am. Later in the morning, while I once again jumped from call to call, Bella made me breakfast: Home made granola with yogurt and raspberries.  At some point she also left me a love note on my paper to-do for the day. That was cute.

The chore of the day was cleaning the light fixture in the dining room, which Bella did by herself because Sofia did not move fast enough and she did not want to wait. But of course later complained.

At the end of the work day we went for our family walk, Bella played a bit on the trampoline, and she and I did some aerobic video on the Wii. Dinner is next. Then showers, reading club with Bella, and bed. 

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