Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 7

Mar 24,

Today was day 2 of my Europe working hours and it went pretty well. Once you are up you are up, and it was nice to finish the day at a decent time. The girls didn't do anything productive - that I know of - but I guess that is Ok because this week is technically their spring break. 

After everybody woke up I spent most of the day in my room, where at least I have a pretty view of the street. Bella brought me guacamole and chips as a mid morning snack, and I found one of my massage balls to play with.  

After I stopped working Bella and I were going to go outside and jump on the trampoline, but it started raining. We did find a jumping rope in the basement instead, and entertained ourselves with it for a little while before dinner.

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