Monday, March 30, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 11

Mar 30,

Today we went back to the routine - with 4 instead of 5. Given the Europe time change over the weekend my 4:00 am meeting became my 3:00 am meeting, so I got up at 2:45 am. When I got up Emma had just texted me to let me know she made it to Amsterdam, and was waiting for her 4th and last flight to Paris. She was tired, as she barely slept on the overnight flight, but was hoping to sleep on the way to Paris and in the car.

While I jumped from call to call in the early morning hours she made it all the way to Paris, and reunited with her parents. She still had a long way home though - a 7 hour drive to be exact. She also completed that part of the journey while Lionel and I were working, and both her and her mom texted us to let us know she was home. It felt strange to both of them.

At some point during the afternoon Bella brought me a lemon tart she made, which was really good. Not too sweet. I told myself I would eat half and save the res for later, but ended up eating the whole thing. 

At 5:00 pm I stopped working and we went on a family walk. It was relatively short because it was cold (even thought it was sunny) and even though I told everybody that it was cold they did not dress for it. On the way back we played some volleyball in the front yard, which was additional outdoor time. And Bella jumped a little on the trampoline while I sat I watched.

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