Friday, March 20, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 5

Mar 20,

Today I was on calls from 6:00 am (or 6:15 to be exact) to 12:40 pm. It was non-stop back to back. This one call was supposed to end at noon, but it went ridiculously over time. At 12:40 I took a break to eat lunch, and at 1:30 I went back to the grind. At around 4:30 Lionel and I took the dog for a walk, which was a welcomed change Vs sitting down all day. After our walk I went grocery shopping, stopped by my parent's house to drop a few things off, and came back to the house. We put all the food away, I helped Bella take her clothes out of the drier, and now - while Lionel makes dinner - I finally sat down for a few minutes to write this paragraph down. After dinner, I am going to go back to my room to organize myself for next week so I don't have to work over the weekend.

So was I bored this week, being stuck at home? No. Not really. In fact, I barely noticed. When you have so much to do at work, the days don't go slowly. They actually fly by.  Too much to do, and too little time. 

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