Friday, July 8, 2022

Europe Vacation 2022 - Day 1 - First Travel Day

 Jul 6,

Today was our first of 2 travel days. We left the house at 11:00am, with plenty of time for our 2:00pm flight to NYC. With all the challenges and delays, at many airports around the world, we didn’t want to take our chances leaving late. The airport was pretty empty though, so we went through security in like 5 minutes. We had some bagels for lunch and left pretty much on time.

At NYC we had to wait for a about 3 hours but it went by quickly. We boarded the flight to Frankfurt pretty much on time, but sat on the runway for about 1.5 hours because there was a long line of planes waiting for takeoff. We also had middle seats, which is totally not ideal for an overnight flight because you don’t have anything to lean against. But we went into it with a good attitude anyway. Unfortunately the good attitude alone didn’t help us sleep. The flight was hot, which is usually not the case, and made it even harder to be comfortable. And there was a toddler that cried pretty much the entire way, with only a few breaks now and there. Needless to say, there wasn’t much sleep for any of us.

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