Monday, July 18, 2022

Europe Vacation 2022 - Day 13 - Arsenal Stadium Tour

Jul 18,

This morning we left the house at around 9:30 am and went straight to the Arsenal Stadium. This is Lionel’s favorite team, so today’s tour had more meaning than Tottenham’s. The stadium is not nearly as new, but it is still a nice facility. It was scorching hot, so it was a good thing that most of the tour was inside. 

From the tour I liked that throughout they also recognize their female teams, and the important reminders on the walls and on the floor of what it takes to win.  We also took our family picture with the green screen, touching a trophy, but it didn’t turn out well so we didn’t buy it. Lionel did get his “personalized certificate” of attendance at the end. They also had a museum but it was separate from the tour and the store, which seems like a planning and customer experience fail. Lionel wanted to go but it was too hot and Sofia seemed quite bored by then, so he decided it was ok to skip it.

We were supposed to also go to the Chelsea Stadium, and Lionel was told it was ok to just show up, but then turned out all the spots were reserved - so we didn’t go. Neither Lionel or Bella support that team anyway, so it is ok. 

From the 4 stadiums we have toured, the Barca one remains my favorite (followed by the Real Madrid one) for multiple reasons including the fact that the stadium and museum tour are intermingled, and the store at the end of the tour is pure marketing genius. It is by far the biggest one I have seen to date, with all kinds of trinkets.

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