Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Europe Vacation - Day 7 - All Over Paris

Jul 12,

This afternoon we covered a lot of ground thanks to our strong legs, great walking skills and, of course, the Paris subway. We started with the Cezanne “Lumieres de Provence” immersive exhibit, we had lunch at a meatballs place called “Eat my Balls” (Yes, they probably didn’t pick the name innocently), and then went to Montmartre, an artsy neighborhood. In Montmartre we went to the Sacre-Coeur church, where they actually had a painting of the Virgen de Guadalupe, the Mexican Virgin. That was a nice finding and made me think of Abuelita. From there you also have a nice view of the city.

After Montmartre we went looking for Pylones, our favorite knick knacks store in France. And, finally, walked by the Louvre before the other 3 voted to just take the subway back to the apartment. I would have walked a little longer, but it was really hot once again (in the nineties) and we had been out and about for almost 6 hours by then.

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