Saturday, July 16, 2022

Europe Vacation 2022 - Day 11 - Busy Busy Day in London

 Jul 16, 

Today was a busy busy day. We left the house shortly after 10:00 am and took the subway to St. Paul Cathedral. The subway was late, due to some repairs and some other stuff happening in the line, so it was extra crowded - besides being hot. The cathedral is the most important church in London, and apparently one they guarded carefully during World War II as a symbol of hope. It is also the place where poor Lady D married prince Charles, and did not get her happy every after.

After the Cathedral we walked towards the Millennium Bridge on our way to Shard Tower for the panoramic view of London. At the top there was a piano that we think is for everyone, as several people sat and played it, and we tried to encourage Sofia (unsuccessfully) to play something. Bella did sit down and played the only song she knows.

We ate a paella at Borough Market and walked to the Tower of London where we did a 45 minute tour. It was hot in the sun, so we were chasing the shade. They had an exhibit of the royal jewels that I would have loved to see but there was a really long line, and the line was in the full sun so we didn’t do it. We did get ourselves an ice cream and sat for a few minutes before we started to walk back to the subway. The subway was still very hot and very crowded, so when we got back it felt amazing to take showers.

For dinner we went to a Latin American restaurant called “El Paladar”. Instead of subjecting ourselves to the subway again, this time around we took an Uber there and back. The food was good but the portions were small, so Lionel was still a little hungry after dinner. Not to hungry though, because on our way back we bought bananas and he didn’t eat one, so I guess he is hanging in there until tomorrow morning. 

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