Sunday, July 17, 2022

Europe Vacation 2022 - Day 12 - The Morning Program

Jul 17, 

This morning we walked from the apartment to the Westminster Abbey but turns out they don’t have visitors hours on Sunday, so we just kept going. We walked through St. James Park on our way to Buckingham Palace to watch the change of the guard. The park is really nice and was a surprise for me when I came the first time because I hadn’t realized London had that much green space. I guess I always pictured it just gray.

The change of the guard was a bit underwhelming because we thought they would be wearing their formal uniforms (with the tall black hats) and riding horses, but they were not. But at least now we know. We then walked to Covent Garden, which is the neighborhood where I stayed last time when I came with my friends - 6 years ago to be exact. We walked by the restaurant where we had lunch that first day when we arrived, and waited for our airbnb to be ready. We also walked by the telephone booth where I took my picture back then, and Sofia agreed to take one of her, so we now have matching ones. We also decided to have lunch at a pub because it seemed wrong to come all the way to England and not do that at least once. Lionel, Sofia, and I ordered the traditional fish and chips, but Bella went with a salad. 

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