Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Europe Vacation 2022 - Day 15 - Churchill War Rooms

Jul 20,

To follow with a bit of history after the soccer stadium, in the afternoon we visited the Churchill War Rooms. These are the underground rooms where he and his staff worked during World War II, between 1940 and 1945. There was also a museum on Churchill himself. All very interesting. While the ceiling had been reinforced with layers of cement and steel, it appears the rooms were not fully bomb proof, which not everyone knew. They were lucky though, as those rooms survived the war and are still standing now.

After the war rooms we crossed the street to go back to St James park because, from all things,  Sofia wanted to see the ducks again. We then walked back to the apartment to rest after being out all day. During the walk I asked if everyone had done all the things they wanted to do during the trip, and was ready to get back home. Sofia didn’t get to do the London Eye, because it was fully booked, but she was ok with that.  We enjoyed the trip very much but I think we are all ready to get back home. Well, maybe Lionel less so as it appears he has enjoyed the break from the dogs, but he will enjoy his bed, his pillow, and the rest of his home routine.

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