Friday, July 8, 2022

Europe Vacation 2022 - Day 2 - Second Travel Day

 Jul 7, 

After the overnight flight, which was definitely rough, we arrived in Frankfurt at 9:30am. Going through customs was fast and easy, but we were tired. We walked straight to the train station and took the first of two trains to get to Strasbourg. I completely crashed on the first train, until Lionel woke me up because it was time to switch trains. It was a small train station that felt like in the middle of nowhere, although I am sure that was not the case. We waited for about 30 minutes and took the second train, which was more like a commuter train. That one was only 30 minutes, but I was still super tired and had to fight not to fall asleep again. When we arrived in Strasbourg we took a bus for about 15 minutes and finally got to the house at around 2:00pm. 

When we got the house we dropped our stuff off and Lionel went back out to get his parents from a nearby Cafe, where they had been waiting for us to arrive. We then finally took naps. After that we took showers and went out for dinner. Thierry and his family got here just in time to eat. After dinner everyone was pretty exhausted, and the girls had headaches from being so tired. So we walked back to the house and crashed for the night. 

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