Sunday, July 31, 2022

I am back

 Jul 31,

After a long, long trip home, we finally made it back at 1:00 am on Friday. After a good night sleep (we all crashed since we were so tired) we then spent the day unpacking, doing laundry, cleaning the house, and getting settled back again. On Saturday morning I went running for the first time since we left on vacation, and felt tired but Ok. After showering, Bella and I even went to Coffee Emporium. But the trouble started after that. I started feeling super tired and had to take a long nap. By the evening I was feeling terrible, and by Sunday I tested positive for Covid and was in bed all day. Monday was still rough, and Tuesday somewhat too, but after that luckily I got better every day and when I took another test on Friday it was negative. While I was sick I just went between my bedroom and my office, but now I am back and I am free to roam around. 

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