Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bingo. Bus. Bingo. Bus.

Bella's current favorite songs are "Bingo" and "The wheels on the bus". She makes me sing them over, and over, and over. But now it seems like she has also found a new favorite game. She asks for one song and then, very quickly, asks for the other one, only to switch back once again. It is as if she wanted to know just how quickly I can switch. It goes somewhat like this:

The wheels on the bus go...BINGO!
There was a farmer had ...BUS!
The babies on the b....BINGO!
There was a ....BUS!
The peop....BINGO!

She is also learning how to say “town”, so when she actually lets me get to that part, she sings along with me.

Me: “The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the TOWN”
Bella: “…………………………………………………………… OWN”

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