Saturday, August 28, 2010

Las Vegas

As soon as we landed in Las Vegas I was reminded of why I don't necessarily love this place. There are all kinds here: People from all over the world, from all different backgrounds, from all walks of life. That is the cool part. But the not so cool part if you ask me is the thing most of them have in common; That crazy look in their eyes that says "I am going to do everything I should not".

Many of them should probably not be here. Some of them maybe told their parents they were going somewhere else. Some may be spending their entire month's salary, which may not necessarily be disposable income for them. And many brought their kids, even though this is not at all a child friendly place. I also can't help but notice many for whom this place is definitely not a dream come true, but have to live here and go to work each day, servicing and cleaning after all those who come here to misbehave. I think I notice it even more because many of them look like me, and somehow I feel a bit guilty, because despite my family's blue-collar background, nowadays I do pretty well for myself. And why shouldn't they have the same opportunities that I had one day?

But I don't want to make it sound like I am having a gloomy day. After all we are here because I chose the place. And I am excited about tonight's concert, and about having a weekend getaway to spend time with Lionel, break away from the routine, and give myself permission to just stop for a moment, breathe, and take care of myself.

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