Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sofia goes to school

The moment I've been dreading for weeks finally happened today: Sofia's first day in kindergarten. It has been couple hours since we dropped her off, but I am still out of sorts, and I still literally feel my heart pounding inside my chest. It was all a blur, not at all what I had expected. I had no time to process it, so I feel cheated, like I deserve a replay.

Last night we asked her if she wanted to walk or drive to school. She said she wanted to go in the car, so we did. As we were getting ready she told me: "Mami, I am not sure I am ready to go to school today". Uh oh, I thought, here we go. We gently reminded her she didn't have a choice, but that everything would be Ok. So we hopped in the car, and drove there. It was a bit chaotic, with so many cars in a very small space, but the line moved at a decent pace. As we were approaching our turn to drop her off, I saw Samantha - her very best friend - walking towards the door with her mom. "Marian" I yelled for her, so she could wait. When Sofia saw Samantha she was ready to get out of the car. So we quickly let her out, and she immediately ran toward the two of them. We couldn't stick around. The line needed to get moving, so there was no time to waste. "Bye Mami and Daddy" she said, as we got back in the car and drove away. As I looked back I would still see her smiling, and I hoped she would stay like that all day.

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