Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This week

Today is only Wednesday, but this week is already kicking my butt. Good thing it is supposed to be a short one.

Yesterday I got stuck in my company's parking lot for over an hour. My last meeting of the day ended a few minutes early, so I was happy about going home and spending time with my girls. Little did I know that my car wouldn't start. The lights were not on, and all the doors were closed, so at least I knew it wasn't my own fault. Not that it really mattered, as I had to wait all the same. Luckily, although boring and hot, the parking lot was a safe place, at least during the day. And thanks to my AAA membership, I was able to get some help. It could have been worse, so I was not going to complain.

Today was a long day at work, meeting after meeting, and I got my butt semi-chewed in at least one of those. After work I went to pick up Sofia, then Isabella, and finally made it home around 5:30pm, a bit earlier than usual. Sofia entered the house first as I was getting Bella out of the car. "Rusty threw up again" she said. Great. Just great! Sure enough, the dog threw up in three separate spots. Lucky me, each one of them was in the carpet. Funny how that works. He could have thrown up on the hardwood floor, but nope. So before I even had a chance to unload the car, go to the restroom, take off my work clothes, or take something for my headache, I had to get on my knees to cleanup. I knew Sofia would stay away from it, but with Bella you never know.

After dinner, and putting the girls to bed, I had to sit down and work again, until now, because it's time to go to bed. Just one more work day though, and then it is time for our Vegas getaway. Part of me is not looking forward to it, because I am going to miss my kids. But on the other hand, I desperately need some rest.

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