Sunday, August 29, 2010

Crazy Love

After much anticipation, my Michael Buble trilogy ended last night. In a span of five months, I attended three of his Crazy Love tour shows, starting in Cincinnati, continuing in Columbus, and finally ending in Las Vegas. It took a lot of support from my sister and Lionel, who went to the concerts with me, from our friend Lucille who lives in Columbus, and from my mom who agreed to take care of the girls so that we could have a weekend getaway. Not to mention the travel expenses. But I got some incredible memories out of it, and as such, it was worth every penny. If I could, I would do it all over again.

The day did not start quite right. I went early to the arena looking for Tory, one of his staff members who does the marketing for social media, and the one who mainly via Facebook and Twitter gives fans a glimpse to what is like to be on the tour. Surprisingly enough, when I got there asking for her I was told "Just walk in. The management office is right there. You see it? Just go in. She must be there". It did not seem right that it was so easy to get in there, but I was not going to argue with that. And I could indeed see the office, probably only 100 feet from where I was standing. So I went in. Once inside, I ran into one of the musicians, so once again I told him I was looking for Tory, and he walked with me looking for her. I guess it was thanks to the fact that I was walking with him that I went through the second layer of security: An old lady who was probably a volunteer. She asked me "Who are you looking for?", but the musician answered for me. So she just let me in. Once in the office, there were three men dressed in black. They said Tory was not there, but they could call her on the radio to see if she could come out. "Just stand right there they said", and pointed to a spot right outside the office. So I did. Once outside, I turned right and saw the sign "MB Dressing Room". It was all but five feet from me, and there was nobody around. So I walked in. And there I was. Right in the middle of Michael Buble's dressing room. I took my camera out, but by then they had finally realized I had no business being there. I heard them calling out for me, somewhat freaked out, and screaming to each other "Where did she go?!? Where did she go?!?". So I simply said "I am right here. I did not go anywhere". But by then, they got all in my face "Why are you here?!? What do you want?!?". And they did not look like they were messing around. One of them even said "She has a camera! She has a camera!", in the same tone as if he was describing someone with a weapon. But I stayed calmed, mainly because I was startled at the change in their attitudes and simply said "I was looking for Tory. I just wanted to say hi. They told me I could just walk in". But they were not about to have a conversation with me. Very sharply they told me "You can't be here. And you know it". So they got an old man - probably another volunteer - to escort me out, but not before saying my final words "I am going. That is fine. But you don't have to be so mean. I am just a fan, and you are the ones who let me in". On my way out, the old man told me "Don't worry about it. They just react that way because they have the wrong type of fan come out here sometimes". That I certainly understand. "Well, thanks for being nice to me", I said. On our way out I saw the security office right where I had walked in. And I had to wonder how in the world did they miss me.

I had finally made my way out of the arena, and was feeling pretty sad about what had just happened when I ran into Michael's personal assistant. I said hi to her and briefly shared my horror story with her. "Well, you tried. Don't worry about it", she said. At the time Lionel was playing in a poker tournament, so I went straight to my room. I had never really been kicked out from anywhere, and it did not feel good at all. So I just needed to hide away for a little bit, regroup, and feel better about myself. Eventually, when Lionel's tournament ended, I went back downstairs and we walked around for a while. We then came back to the room, took showers, and prepared for our big night out.

We had dinner at an Italian restaurant, which was a big disappointment in our view, but we had a perfect spot for people watching. Some people were really dressed up, while others looked like they were simply coming back from the pool. I even saw couple of the band members walk by, including the one I had seen earlier in the day. Good thing he did not see me. I certainly did not want anybody to remember what had happened earlier that day.

We finally made it to the concert, and I was very disappointed when I realized that our floor seats where on the wrong end. I knew Michael would walk to the smaller stage in the back of the arena during the concert, but where we were sitting I had no chance of seeing him walk by. So I was very unhappy and trying to spot better seats. I did spot some seats exactly where I wanted to be. So as soon as the opening act ended, I dragged Lionel there, and hoped nobody would kick us out. Not for the second time in one day. We did have couple scares, but at the end we prevailed. I was very anxious at the beginning, because I really did not want to lose my spot right on the hallway, but a few songs into the show I knew we had made it, and managed to relax and enjoy the rest of the show.

When the time came for him to walk to the back stage I was ready. It was such an exciting moment to be right next to him. It sounds so corny, but it truly was a dream come true for me. Even Lionel got to give him high five, and I got to hold his hand. We were so close to the small stage in the back, that I also quickly made my way back there. I was so close to him, that I got to touch his hand again. He even winked at me once, which needless to say, made me forget the bitterness of my experience earlier that day. Shortly after that the show was over, and with that my Crazy Love run. The show is now heading to Europe, and tomorrow Lionel and I head back home, back to our real and forever crazy loves, our two precious little girls.

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