Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pure decadence

Today I sat at the MGM pool for about an hour and a half. Lionel went to play in a poker tournament, so there I was, with plenty of time to spend by myself.

I've never been a big pool person, maybe in part because even before I had children I was never all that confident in a bathing suit. Maybe in part because I am not a good swimmer, and I don't really like to embarrass myself. But after doing a lot of walking in the past couple days, sitting by the pool seemed quite Ok. It took me about 15 minutes to get there from my room. This place is simply huge. Once there I found a good spot, a chaise lounge partly under the sun, partly covered by a palm tree. It was also tucked in a corner, which allowed me to take in the place without necessarily being in the way. I was also sitting close to a speaker, and although I initially wondered if it would get annoying, it turned out to be the perfect backdrop for my pool stay.

Watching people in their bikinis, their golden skin, seeing the clear blue sky beyond the palm trees, and listening to the occasional Latin song, somehow transported me to Miami. And that was definitely fine by me. I was happy to leave Las Vegas for a little while, and go to a more relaxing place. I also enjoyed, for the very first time in a very long while, just sitting down and reading a book. It had definitely been too long. I was always an avid reader, but between a full time job, two kids, and working most nights before going to bed, taking the time to read a book seems more of a luxury nowadays. So for about an hour and a half, I was back to my old self. At the beginning of our weekend I joked that this would be a weekend of decadence. At the time it was only a joke, but sitting there, reading my book, giving Lionel his space, and worrying about nothing else, certainly felt that way.

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