Monday, August 16, 2010

Field Trip

Today was a really good day. We got out of the routine, and went on a little field trip. My mom, the girls and I went to Indianapolis for the day. And I think I felt happier than I had been in a while. Spending the whole day with my kids, away from our responsibilities, is such a treat to me.

Our first stop was at the Mexican consulate to do some paperwork, which is always an experience to say the least. This was the part of the day I could have done without. That is the one place where you run into people from all walks of life, which can be really depressing in a way. I always figure that many of the people there have much tougher lives than I do. And more often than not, I see very young girls that already have a kid or two, which makes me wonder how many choices they really had in life. There was also a little boy waiting in front of us that kept talking to me. I felt really bad, but I couldn't understand most of whatever he said. He was probably about a year older than Sofia, and I know he was speaking Spanish, but I guess that his was just very different than mine. When it was all said and done we spent over four hours there, but all in all the girls did just great. They ran around in circles, we walked outside, and they finally took a nap in the car while I drove them around.

Our second stop was where I really wanted to go; the Indianapolis children's museum. I had wanted to take the girls there for a while, because I read it was a really fun place even for the very little ones. But for one reason or another, until now, we just never found the time. We arrived there at 3:00pm, which left us with just couple hours to explore. But it was totally worth it, because the girls really enjoyed it. We had a difficult time peeling Bella away from several of the areas. She loved the colorful glass exhibit, which included an area where she was actually allowed to play with sample shapes, and move them around. They also liked the trains’ exhibit, one more of the places where Bella sat down and did not want to get back up. Both of them also loved the carousel, which was beautiful, and had tiny lights hanging from the ceiling that made it look like the sky. But I think where we spent the most time was at the pretend ice cream parlor. They really had a blast. Seeing them at play made the differences in their personalities so obvious. At some point Sofia started to cry because some boys took away her ice cream. And as my mom and I tried to console her, Isabella was right in the middle of all of them, using her small but chunky frame to fight for her right to get her ice cream back.

On our way back to the main level, we saw a Barbie exhibit; this had to be my favorite part. My sister and I played with Barbies when we were kids. Or with two particular Barbies, to be exact. The exhibit had Barbies from many decades, and it was really fun to see the different styles, and how they changed throughout the years. I saw my Barbie behind the glass: "1983", it read. So that means I was 7 at the time. I looked everywhere for my sister's one: "Barbie Espectacular". But it was nowhere to be found. I did see a 1970's Ken, which apparently was all about the hair ... imagine that. I also saw a Barbie made with all Swarovski crystals, which was made a few years back to commemorate its 50th anniversary.

After the Barbie exhibit it was time to head out, ready or not, because the museum was closing. Sofia really wanted to ensure we stopped by the museum store before they closed, so we did. We walked around for a little while, and of course she found something she wanted. And since she had been such a trooper the whole day, I was happy to comply. Much to my surprise, we also found something that seemed perfect for Tia Gabi. I grabbed it, and just couldn't let go of it. It HAD to come home with us. Sofia wanted to stop by tia Gabi's house right away, but it was late by the time we finally came back home. It was time to wash our hands, have dinner, tell Lionel about our field trip, show him our pictures, and call it a day. Tia Gabi's perfect gift would have to wait for another day.

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