Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ice Cream Rock 'n Roll

For some reason I've always thought that ice cream trucks are kind of creepy. Maybe when I was a kid I saw a movie where something bad happened, and that forever ruined it for me. Not that I would share this with Sofia. She is already scared of enough things as it is.
Today it was "ice cream social" day at school. So they brought an ice cream truck at the end of the day. It was not a bad idea considering how hot it has been around here. But I have to say that the truck, along with the driver, definitely did not do much to change the image in my head. The driver was an older guy, with a really long white beard. He was wearing a black t-shirt and looked as if instead of an ice cream truck he should be driving a Harley. The truck was spray-painted all over the place. I don't remember exactly all the pictures in it, but it definitely had some "Rock 'n Roll" motifs. It was kind of a weird sight, but I kept my comments to myself, and the girls enjoyed the ice cream all the same.

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