Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy baby. Cranky baby.

Last week Bella got sick. She started running a fever on and off Thursday morning. She couldn't go to school on Friday, and given that she was still running a fever Saturday morning we ended up taking her to the doctor. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do for her. They told us it was probably a virus and we were just going to have to wait for it to run its course.

Fortunately, Saturday morning was that last time she was running a fever. Unfortunately, she has been cranky ever since her symptoms started. Even though she went back to school yesterday, her teachers said she was pretty much out of it. She was not smiling, wasn't paying attention, and wasn't playing with her friends. Same thing at home.  She is just not her usual happy self. I don't like seeing her that way. I am dying to have my happy girl back.

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