Monday, November 15, 2010

Mama pollita

I've been dying to write this story all day. I need to get it out of my system, to write it down and let go. So here it goes...

Last night I did not sleep well at all. I am sure in part it was because I fell asleep for about 30 minutes when I put Sofia to bed. But mostly it was because I was upset.

This past Saturday we had another beautiful day. It was in the seventies, which is basically unheard of in the middle of November. In the afternoon Sofia asked if she could go out in the backyard and play by herself. We said it was ok, so off she went. A few minutes later she came back running, somewhat upset, and told me: "Mami, <> just told me that today is his sister's birthday and that I am NOT invited".
"Don't worry about it", I said. It is probably just a family party so you couldn't be invited.

I told her that even though I wasn't 100% convinced, as I had heard some of the other kids in the neighborhood playing out there. I just didn't want her to feel hurt. We get along just fine with the neighbors and we really like them, so if they indeed were having a party I couldn't think of a reason why my Sofia would be excluded. Besides, Bella's party is coming up and all the neighbors are invited, so clearly it is not like we have done something to them.

I did not give it much thought the rest of the day. For once I was exhausted, and also we spent the rest of the day playing outside, taking a walk, and hanging out with the kids. I did not think much about it on Sunday either. We just went about our day, grocery shopping, going to the ceramic painting place, and taking Sofia to her swim lesson.

At the end of the day, after the girls were in bed, I settled down on the couch with the computer on my lap. I logged on to Facebook and was very unhappy to see some pictures the neighbors had posted about their Saturday. It felt like a big slap on the face. Turns out, the kids had an amazing day playing outside together. THEIR kids that is, since mine were clearly not invited to share in the fun.

I know it sounds dumb, and maybe only another mom of a sensitive child would understand what I felt, but seeing that made me very upset. I know they have a right to invite whomever they want, and I have no right to even think about bringing it up to them. Not that I ever would anyway. But I really wish I understood what made them overlook my little girl.

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