Thursday, November 11, 2010

Work hard. Play hard.

Work hard, play hard. A lot of people live by this motto. I got the work hard part down, but I really need to work on the latter. I think I do better than my parents who never even had time to play at all, but I still have a long way to go.

The thing is, I can't really do it all by myself. I need Lionel's help as well. I need him to want to do things out of the routine, even when there is a chance they won't turn out as well. This past weekend, for instance, we took Sofia roller skating for the very first time. If it had been for him, we wouldn't have gone at all. Why bother when we could have just stayed home? The place was not in a very wealthy part of town, and as such it was a bit on the scary side. But nobody really bothered us at all, and despite the fact that Sofia did not know how to roller skate, she really had fun.

I also keep trying to convince him to take her skiing with him, but he refuses because he immediately thinks about how crappy it could be.  And yes, it really could, but it could also be the start of a life long tradition, a special bond between the two of them. I just wish he was willing to give it a chance.

I really don't want us to be a lazy boring family. I don't want to be a boring mom or wife. And I certainly don't want my kids to look back and hope they had a different family, one eager to get out there, enjoy life, and have fun.

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