Thursday, November 25, 2010


In addition to being Bella's birthday today was Thanksgiving, for many people one of the most important holidays in the US. This is also a holiday celebrated by people regardless of their religion, or lack thereof. As far as I know it's origin is related to the pilgrims and the Native Americans sharing a meal for the very first time a very long time ago, but nowadays it's mostly a day to spend time with your family, give back, and give thanks for all the good things you have in your life.

This is not really a Mexican holiday, but one I am happy to adopt for couple simple reasons: 1) I think it is a good holiday to have, and 2) I don't want my kids to be the "odd one out".

So today I am thankful for my family, for our health, for all of us having a job, for having a safe home to go back to after a long day, and for having both my parents under the same roof, which at some point we thought would never happen again.

Yes, we have a lot to be thankful for, and I'm happy to report that we had a happy turkey day.
Sofia's turkey

Abuelita's Pollo Relleno

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