Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Percentages are everywhere in our daily lives. They are used to measure success (100%) ... and failure (0%). They help us make decisions by representing the likelihood of something happening (10% chance, 50% chance, etc.). They even help us distribute time and resources (15% here, 20% there).

Today, when we were on our way to pick up Bella, I found myself thinking about this and wondering what percentages would I give to my job satisfaction. This is what I came up with:

60% of the time I am happy with it. I am glad I work, I enjoy what I do, and get mental satisfaction out of it.
10% of the time I am frustrated by having to deal with unhelpful people or with a difficult system.
10% of the time I feel like what I do doesn't really matter. After all, it is not like somebody will die if I forget to write that one memo.
20% of the time I miss my children too much and resent the fact that I go to work Vs staying with them.

So my immediate conclusion is that working part time would probably be the ideal situation for me. I will have to keep pushing for it. Maybe next year...

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