Thursday, November 25, 2010

How old is Bella?

It's hard to believe that Bella is already 2 years old today. It seems like yesterday that I was able to hold her in my arms for the very first time, happy and relieved that despite couple scares we had along the way she was finally with us, safe and sound.

At 6 pounds, 3 ounces, she was a full couple pounds smaller than when Sofia was born. She was three weeks early, and even though that is not necessarily considered a preemie, she felt oh so tiny to us. When we put her on our shoulder we had to hold her body with one hand, and her head with our other hand. Otherwise she would slide all over the place.

That first month was particularly painful, since she couldn't hold that much food in her tiny stomach and sometimes woke me up every hour and a half. So between trying to heal from surgery and waking up all the time, those first few weeks were a total blur. But we all survived. I also remember when we swaddled her all the time, or "made her taquito", as we used to say. Those were the days...

She is so big now, but that is not the only thing that has grown in the last couple years. So has our love for her, and it keeps growing every single day. And even though we had already celebrated her birthday last weekend, today we did it all over again. Why wouldn't we? Hers and Sofia's birthdays are two of the happiest days of our lives.

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