Thursday, November 4, 2010

Morning Marathon

This morning was a bit chaotic ... to say the least.

After breakfast, before the girls and I could finish getting ready to get out the door, I had to send a very important, time sensitive, work email. Typing the email took me 2 seconds, but unfortunately my mailbox was so full that the message could not be sent out. You got to be kidding me, I thought. Could this possibly happen at a worst time? I frantically started deleting as many emails as I could, and kept checking to see if the email was sent.

In the meantime, Sofia yelled from upstairs that she needed my help.

"I need 5 minutes to do something for work. This is very important", I said.
"But I want a t-shirt and I can't reach it", she protested.
"You are going to have to wait, or pick something else you can reach. I really need to finish this first", I said.
"It is also important to help somebody who needs help", she said.

She had a point, but she was still going to have to wait.

In the meantime, Isabella was running wild downstairs. She started pulling our placemats from the kitchen cart where we keep them, and threw them all over the floor. "Bella, NO!", I said. But she did not care. She then moved on to the living room, taking toys out and spreading them all over the place.

All along I was still trying to get that message sent. It was 20 minutes later when I finally finished with work, and by then it was already late. So we got ready as fast as we could, and got out the door to officially get started with our days. We left our mess behind. We would deal with it at the end of the day.

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