Thursday, November 4, 2010

Parent Teacher Conference

Yesterday was my very first parent teacher conference at Sofia's new school. Unfortunately it was at 3:15pm, so Lionel could not come along.

The conference went really well. The teachers told me that Sofia has come a very long way, especially considering that she had a really difficult time at the beginning adjusting to the new school, new friends, new routine. They said she no longer cries at school, takes a lot of pride finishing her work, and even tries to help other kids as much as she can. They also said that Sofia is always very concerned about others, which was no surprise to me as she has always had a very motherly instinct. They said that when she sees couple kids fighting she tries to intervene. If they do not listen to her, and one of them clearly has the upper hand, she calls the teacher for help. Apparently she also notices right away when one of her classmates is absent, and makes a point to ask the teachers why he or she is not there.

The teachers also said that initially Sofia tended to only choose activities she knew she could do easily, such as art projects. But now she is also comfortable choosing work that she knows will be challenging and has really gotten into subjects such as geography and math, even giving math lessons to kids struggling with it.

I was glad to hear that she is doing well learning all her subjects, but  I was ECSTATIC to hear that she is now a happy, confident little girl in her new surroundings.

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