Friday, December 10, 2010

Assignment #1

Tonight, way past my bed time, I decided to start a new writing class. Our first assignment was to write a paragraph using the words "Summer", "Trees" and "Ocean". I like that type of assignment, as they are usually fun. This one actually triggered a memory of our first home, so this is what I wrote:

"It was by far my favorite part of our old house. If you stood on the patio on a windy day and closed your eyes, you could easily confuse the sound of the trees for the sound of the ocean waves swaying back and forth, hitting the rocks. I wish I had spent more time out there, but I was too busy most of the time. Looking back I don’t even know why.

The early part of the summer was always my favorite, as the weather was not too hot, not too cold. Nowadays when I drive by that part of town in the evening and see all those young people jogging, walking their dogs or just chatting with a friend, I remember my good old days."

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