Friday, December 31, 2010

The Recap

At the end of each year, without failure, we are always bombarded with tons of lists:

1) The top moments of the year
2) The healthiest/unhealthiest cities
3) The most popular songs
4) The most eligible bachelor/bachelorettes
5) The highest earning starts
6) The richest men/women around the world
7) Etc. Etc. Etc.

Some of those lists are incredibly annoying but some are fun, so I am not going to complain about them. Besides, from a historical perspective, how else would we remember each year?

I am not usually one to create yet another recap of my own. It just does not come natural to me to try to dissect my life, categorize all my memories, dump them into a bunch of little buckets, and label them as the best or the worst. There are just so many of them that how could I even do a good job?

This past year I had plenty of happy days with my family, a lot of frustrating and stressful moments at work, and times when - even for a split second - I questioned my choices in life. 

I had scary times like when my Dad spent a week at the hospital, and exhilarating times like when I went against common sense and started a work week on three hours of sleep - all to go to a concert four hours away.

I had times when I felt like the luckiest person in the world, and moments when I struggled getting myself out of bed. 

I had days when I felt pretty, attractive and successful, and days when I hated my own face. 

I had memories and thoughts I would have shared with anybody willing to listen, and some I will never express.

So that's it. No list from me. Just a quick recap of my 2010.

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