Friday, December 3, 2010

Life Happens

For many people around the world this is usually the time of year when they start thinking about their New Year resolutions. Some will start eating better, some will quit the job they hate so much, and some will find a new love. Others will pick up a new hobby, or will start going to church. But the vast majority will start working out more ... at least for a month or so.

For me, on the other hand, this is usually the time when my workout routine becomes one big mess. It's not that I get lazy, but invariably I seem to spend the winter months sick, recovering from being sick, taking care of someone who is sick or recovering, or simply way too tired from all the sickness around me.

The fact that the weather goes down hill certainly does not help my case. After all, it is not like going out in 30 degree weather is a smart decision when you are trying to get better from whatever bug you were unlucky enough to get.

Tomorrow, for instance, I already know I will miss my Yoga class yet again. The class is at 7:15 am, but right now is already midnight and I am sitting in Bella's room hoping she will go down again. Yesterday she was sent home from school because she was running a fever, so she must still not be feeling very well. Hence why she woke up, and why I am still sitting here Vs being in bed.

That's just the way it goes. Life happens, so working out can wait.

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