Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow Day

I wish snow days were a happy event in my world Vs the awful source of stress they invariable become when the show their ugly face. Today, for instance, both Isabella's daycare and Sofia's new school were closed because we got a lot of snow and the roads were a mess. As many people were celebrating, here I was thinking: Crap, I guess that means I am not going anywhere today.

For many people having a snow day means not going to work and as such, no work to get done. For all of them it is simply time to play, relax, and maybe hang out on the couch with a hot cup of tea. For me, however, that only means double workload as I still need to do my job AND somehow also take care of the girls.

Having a job that allows you to work from whenever there is an internet connection can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse. So in order to be able to work and survive the very long day, I was forced to give the girl’s full reign of the house. Whatever toy they wanted to take out, whatever stuff they wanted to drag to my room, whatever little video they wanted to watch they got it ... as long as they were playing nice, and as long as they were safe.

But even if you get your kids to entertain themselves, it is also stressful to know that at the worst possible time, maybe when you are on the phone with your boss, they will start screaming, fighting, or doing something else that will make you look completely unprofessional, and will make people wonder if you are really working, or just hanging out with your kids.

On the other hand, it is also horrible to tell your kids over and over to be quiet, that it will be "just one more minute" when they are trying to show you something and you know fully well that one minute may end up being more like an hour, if that.

So sorry to be a grump but NO, I DONT enjoy snow days. They stress me too much and make feel like this: Bad worker. Bad mom.

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