Tuesday, December 28, 2010


This holiday vacation is the longest break I've had in a very long time. The timing couldn't have been any better considering that I really needed a change of pace. Besides allowing me the opportunity to slow down and hang out with my family, it is also turning out to be a productive break. I've been cleaning my closet, the basement, and the girl's bedrooms. I am not spending the whole day taking stuff out, but rather getting it out little by little, so that I don't create unnecessary stress for myself.

As I think about the things I like the most about my time off, one of my favorite ones must be not having to wake up at the sound of the alarm, and not having to get going right away, to rush to get the kids ready and leave the house as soon as we can. It's also nice to feel that I have some freedom to choose what I want to do on a particular day, Vs knowing that by default my day will be spent in front of the monitor or jumping from meeting to meeting from beginning to end.

I wish the break could last longer, but I know that's not the case. So I will try to enjoy to the max the days I do have left.

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