Monday, December 6, 2010

The End

Last night Michael Buble told me he would take a picture with me, but he never did. I guess it is like that old traditional Mexican song goes: "A todos diles que si, pero no les digas cuando" ... "Say yes to everybody, just don't tell them when". That part was disappointing, but I enjoyed the show all the same. Thanks to the graciousness of strangers I managed to see pretty much the entire show from front row. And even though I did not get the ending I longed for, I still had a good run. I had some good road trips with my sister and mom, and couple great getaways with my real life love.

So that's it for me. After five shows, the year of Buble is officially done.


  1. How did you get close enough to actually talk to him? I'm in awe...

  2. I had floor tickets. We were on 16th row, but I just walked over to the front row. I had a sign that said that it was my 5th show and asked if he would take his picture with me. He read it, looked at me, said yes, and made the Ok sign with his hand ... but he never actually did. So not that he cares, but I am actually mad at him for that. I wish he hadn't said yes if he had no intention of actually doing it.
