Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Letting Go

Little by little I have been giving away some of the stuff my girls don't use anymore. This mostly includes gear, clothes and toys. Some of those hadn't been used in a long time, so they were neatly put away. They were not forgotten, but simply waiting for what was to come next.

I am not really a materialistic person. That's not the reason I've been holding on to those. It's just hard to give them away when you know that once upon a time your kid's little hands or their tiny warm bodies were all over them. It's those memories that make you want to hold on, as if keeping those objects made the memories more real, more vivid, more likely to stay with you.

It makes me feel better that most of the stuff has gone to people I know and love. Good friends who I know will take good care of them, and maybe one day, will also get to pass them on.

Next, and probably sooner than I thought, the time will come to move Bella out of the crib. I am not mentally prepared, but it appears she just might be. The part that saddens me the most is not that my "baby" will be moving on to a big girl bed, but the fact that I won't be able to hold on to the crib for too long. We just don't have the space. I know for any outsider the crib is just a "thing", but that's the place where both my girls have had so many nights of peaceful sleep. That's where they both slept since the very beginning, when thanks to our lucky stars they came home with us and forever changed our lives.

Yes, that time will come soon, but for now I am taking one step at the time.

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