Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pay It Forward

Yesterday I decided to become a mentor for an underprivileged Hispanic child. That is something I have been thinking about for a while, but hesitated multiple times.

There are many reasons for my hesitance, the main one being that I am already much stretched for time. I also worry about caring too much and feeling powerless, not able to help enough. What if I am not able to keep up with the commitment and end up letting everybody down? I also have mixed feelings about spending time with somebody else's child when I already wish I had more time to spend with mine. And what if her parents hate me because my job will be trying to keep her in school and ultimately go to college, which for the sound of it they would never in a million years be able to afford?

But yesterday I attended a presentation by the organization I will be helping out. You can tell they have such passion for what they do because they know they are part of something great. And then, when they present you with the heart breaking statistics of how unlikely it is that these children will succeed in life, there is no hesitance, no excuses, no going back.

So my application is filled out, and by the end of the year I should be matched with a young girl who will - hopefully- benefit from my so called mentoring and my outlook on life.

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