Thursday, December 16, 2010

Listen to your heart

Although it probably would have proved therapeutic, this week I have not had much time to write. I've been busy with other important stuff like visiting my Dad at the hospital. After years of refusing to go to the Doctor for either big or small aches and pains, last Sunday he finally had no choice. After going to see the Doctor for what he though was just a nagging cough, we ended up taking him to the emergency room because he was having trouble breathing, and his heart was not doing very well at all. Turns out he had to stay the night, and another, and another.

Staying there and having all kinds of tests done has by no means been his favorite thing. It has also been stressful for all of us not to know exactly what was wrong, and seeing him tired, bored, and scared of what might happen next.  But we feel he has received excellent care, so from that respect we can't complain. And although we may never know exactly the root cause of his heart issues, he is now getting treated and we have the peace of mind that with the right ongoing care he will be Ok.

So just one more night, and he will be able to go back home. I am sure he is eager to get out of there, to go back to his routine, but this time around taking better care of himself. Hopefully this experience, and having my mom, my sister and I right by his side, reminds him that he is loved, and we want him to stick around.

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