Monday, July 22, 2013

5K in Provence

When Lionel and his brother were looking at houses for this summer, I told Lionel that he could choose as long as the house met one condition: That I would be able to go running. Everything else, I knew he would automatically take care of it. The house we rented is lovely, but unfortunately for me, the running part is not really an option due to the narrow country roads that are busy at all times of the day, and the local drivers not quite being used to seeing runners.  So if wanted to run, my only option was to run inside the property - that is from the front of the house to the end of the gravel driveway, and back. I ran for 33 minutes, so considering my usual pace, I am pretty sure I ran 3 miles (or 5km). To get there, I had to run to the end of the driveway and back a total of 30 times! I was very annoyed, and made me feel like a hamster on a wheel, but I needed the exercise.

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