Monday, July 15, 2013

Copenhagen - Day 3

For some obsessive compulsive reason, when I am visiting a place I always feel the need to learn the local language. I guess that it gives me a sense of security, because if you need to ask a question, if you are confused, etc. you don't need to struggle to tell people exactly what you need.

But coming to Denmark was an exception, and quite frankly I did not even try. Maybe it was because I was just too busy at work to think about it. Maybe it was because I knew I wouldn't be able to use it anywhere else. Or maybe it was because I knew we were coming to visit someone, and I could totally rely on them. Regardless, the trip has been working out ok. The people are friendly, our hosts are great, and pretty much everybody speaks English around here.

So today we ventured by ourselves to one of the local castles with the girls. We took a regional train, and spent most of the day there. I also wanted to take the ferry to go over to Sweden, but we just did not have enough time. The Kronborg castle was nice, Bella was a trooper walking most of the time without complaining, and Sofia really seemed to pay attention to the castle 's history, which -  unlike some other times - made me feel like I got my money's worth. Even Lionel, who is very much anti museums and things of that nature, said the castle was nice.

After our road trip to the castle we came back to our friend's home and had dinner here. They also invited another family from the US who were very nice. In the meantime, all the kids played together semi-quietly and semi fight-free. So it was a good dinner, and a good way to end the day. Now I am ready to go to bed, and I am hoping to get up early and go for a run. That should be another great way to explore the city!

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