Thursday, July 25, 2013

Avignon Medieval

This morning we went to Avignon, the nearest city to where we are staying this week. In my non-expert opinion, Avignon looks very much like Guanajuato, Mexico, or at least it very much reminds me of it. From the entrance to the city, to the many narrow streets, to the overall architecture. Currently, there is also a festival going on where there are many small, made-up theaters around the city. It is an arts festival, which based on what I read also includes mime and cabaret, and has become an international event. This is another similarity with Guanajuato and the Festival Cervantino.

Two of the main attractions are "Le Pont d'Avignon", and "Le Palais des Papes" - I didn't know that either one existed, but the history of "Le Palais des Papes" goes like this: The papacy temporarily abandoned war-torn Italy, and Avignon became the center of the Roman Catholic World during the 14th Century. During this time, the papal court became a wealthy centre for both learning and the arts, extending its influence across the region. The history of "Le Pont d'Avignon" only says that the name of the bridge is actually "Pont St-Benezet", and that it is the subject of the famous rhyme "Sur le Pont d'Avignon", which Lionel has been singing this week, and is now stuck in my head.

Sur le Pont d’Avignon
L'on y danse, l'on y danse
Sur le Pont d’Avignon
L'on y danse tous en rond

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