Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Traveling [not so] light

As I look at all the stuff we packed, and all the stuff we have used so far during our trip, I can confidently say that we packed too much. I still think we did a good job packing all the clothes for the four of us, for 17 days, in one big suitcase and a small one. However, we definitely could have done even better. For instance, we brought couple pairs of pants for the girls, some long sleeve shirts, and sweaters, because we didn't know how cold the weather would be in Copenhagen. But now we know, and if we go back, we know that long sleeves are not necessary as long as they have a sweater. And no need to bring couple pairs of pants or leggins. One pair should be ok, as long as we are able to do laundry. I also brought couple sundresses because I though we would be going out for dinner and I didn't want to be the frumpy american with shorts and t-shirt while everybody else  was nicely dressed. But next time I will bring one at the most, after asking ahead of time if one will be needed. I also brought three pairs of shorts, one nicer than the others, which I also though I would wear on a night out - something that hasn't happen. Also, next time I will still bring my running shoes, but only one running outfit Vs two.

As I was folding the girls clothes, I also realized that I packed like 5 pairs of shorts for Sofia alone, plus 4 or 5 skirts for Bella - among other stuff. All that would be needed if we couldn't do laundry, but since we are able to do so, then we could have significantly cut down on all the packing.

I won't continue with additional inventory of all our stuff, but let's just say that if we end up coming back this way next year, my goal will be to just bring one suitcase.

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