Sunday, July 28, 2013

The return

This morning we took our [direct] flight back home. After the initial confusion caused by bad organization and lack of clear signs at the Paris airport, we finally made it past the check-in and security, and made it to our flight on time. The total flight time is closer to 8 hours, but the time during which you get to seat in the plane is closer to 9.

We had been afraid of taking that flight with Bella, but she surprised us and was a great traveler during the entire flight. So for me, it was the most relaxing 9 hours I've had in a while. I watched 3 movies, read at least 50 pages of my book, and even took a nap. I couldn't believe it! Also, I was lucky enough to get the window seat, with the girls sitting in front of us. That meant that when they needed something, Lionel was in a better position [literally] to get up and help. I am usually the one helping them put, so it was a nice break for me.

When we finally arrived, and were waiting for our suitcases to come out, we were remembering that last time around, when we took Sofia at 2 and a half years old, she was so sick and tired of sitting on the plane, that when we finally arrived she literally started to run in circles, letting go of all her energy, until she was all sweaty.

We had a great time in Europe, but tonight we were all happy to get back home to our beds, our shower, our toys. The sad thing of being back though is that I am going to miss spending the entire day with my girls.

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