Saturday, July 13, 2013

The trip

After months and months preparing for it, yesterday morning we finally left for our Europe trip. The first leg of the trip, from Cincinnati to New York, was not easy at all because Bella was tired and cranky. It didn't help that when we finally landed we had to wait for a while because another flight was still at our gate. We then had to wait for four hours at the smallest terminal ever, where there wasn't much room to walk around, and with very limited options for food.  Luckily, we found a quiet spot and managed to keep the children entertained by doing short races, letting them play around, and letting them play with the iPad.

By the time we boarded our second flight, we had our fingers crossed that Bella would fall asleep. Sofia is our easy one as it relates to falling asleep, so we knew we didn't have to worry about that. Bella initially fought it, so we let them both watch some TV for a little while. But eventually we convinced Bella to close her eyes and try to sleep - aided by the inflatable pillow and the super soft blanket we brought from home. She slept for good 5 hours, which was good enough to avoid a disaster during the flight.

As for me, I didn't really sleep much. My back was killing me, and my knees were tired of being in the same position for such a long time. So at some point I curled up next to Bella, even though my butt was pretty much hanging and I was still pretty uncomfortable. I just needed to put my head down for a little while.

Eventually we made our approach into Copenhagen, they turned the lights on, gave us a quick breakfast, and we were ready to go!

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