Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Art Sale

This afternoon there was some drama because Sofia asked me if I would sit down and draw with her, to which I said yes. I told her I would do it at the table, and not on the floor, after I finished whatever I was doing at the time. So she went and got her markers, and sat down patiently waiting for me. Unfortunately, Lionel had the idea of asking Bella if she wanted to draw with us as well, to which Bella said yes. She then pulled a chair right next to me, and reached out for the markers and some paper. This made Sofia immediately upset, because (in her own words) she was looking for some mommy and Sofia time and as such, she didn't want Bella to sit down with us. Bella refused to leave, saying that she also wanted to spend time with me, and Sofia refused to give in. I gave Lionel a look that was meant to say "Seriously?!? Now you better help me!", so he asked Bella if she wanted to go hang out with him. The answer was still no, so Sofia was still upset, and I was still stuck in the middle not wanting to disappoint either one of them. This went on for several minutes until one of them - probably Sofia - had the idea of drawing a bunch of pictures together and pretending to have an art sale. So they collected all the stuff, and went upstairs to their bedroom to draw their pictures and get ready for their Art Sale. 

Eventually they called us into their Art Sale. I was the first one there of course, and I was welcomed by a paper sign at their door step that read "Art Store". They had arranged all their drawings on the bed, divided in three columns, depending on the price. Some of their drawings were free, some were 1 euro, and some - depending on the effort it took to make them - were 2 euros. It was all very cute. I carefully selected two of their drawings ensuring that I picked one made by Bella, and one made by Sofia so neither one of them was disappointed. I also helped them make labels that read "SOLD" so that they could put them in front of the drawings somebody had already selected. The cousins were taking a nap at the time, but Lionel, Monique, and Philippe all played their part as art shoppers and paid real Euros for their "masterpieces". That made the girls very happy and proud, and of course I was there ready to capture the moment.

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