Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Copenhagen - Day 4

By last night, I had finally adjusted to the time change. But I still didn't sleep all that well because Bella kept waking me up: She was thirsty, she was scared and wanted to come to bed with us, then she was thirsty again. Nonetheless, Lionel and I still got up and went for a morning run. Since our phones don't work here we couldn't use our running apps, but based on our pace and the amount of time we ran, I am pretty confident that we ran between 5 and 5.5 miles. It was pretty windy, but it was still pretty good running weather. I didn't feel particularly strong today, maybe because my legs have been working more than they are used to with all the walking around here, or maybe I just wasn't feeling it today. But I finished the run and was still glad we went.

After our morning run we took showers, got the girls ready, and by then it was time to head out for lunch. After lunch we met Elizabeth and Lily to go on a one hour boat tour, which turned out to be not the best choice. The girls were not horrible - they have definitely been worse - but they were not all that great either. They were restless and cranky, and kept asking if it was time to go home already. So even though we had plans to take them to a local amusement park after the boat ride, we quickly abandoned that and went back home instead. The girls spent the afternoon playing, and I took a nap. I didn't necessarily intent to do that, but I guess that I needed one. Shortly after I woke up the babysitter got here to take care of all three girls, and we headed out for a nice, quiet, adults only dinner. Contrary to what I would have expected, the girls were super excited about the babysitter. Maybe it was because they heard that she was Lily's favorite, or maybe because they heard that she knew how to do face painting. Regardless,  they seemed to have had a really good time.

After dinner we relaxed a little bit, put the girls to bed, and made plans for tomorrow -  our last day here. Tomorrow afternoon we leave for Paris, where we will be staying 3 nights before heading to the south of France to meet Lionel's family.

I wanted to update my blog before I went to bed, but now I am ready to get some more rest.


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