Monday, July 22, 2013

The clothes line

Today we did laundry at the rental house, and although we eventually figured out the washer, which is also supposed to be a drier, it was clear that the drier part didn't work so well. So after an hour of "drying", our clothes were still pretty wet. As I was starting to hang them on the patio chairs, Monique told me that there was actually a clothes line behind the house. It had been probably 15 years since I had to use one, so I was pretty amused as it also brought yet more childhood memories. Lionel was not amused at all though, because considering how much we are paying to stay here, he fully expected a working drier. I can also see his point, but it could have been worse. The weather was dry and sunny, so I knew the clothes would dry quickly. Besides, as I also pointed out for him, the real fun with a clothes line is when it starts raining, your clothes are still wet, and you have to rush to bring them inside and hang them everywhere. He didn't have to deal with any of that, so after his initial annoyance he had to admit that it was all ok.

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