Thursday, July 25, 2013

Monique's Birthday

I was pretty happy with myself that I was the first one to remember that Monique's birthday is tomorrow,  although I am pretty sure that Lionel also had it on his radar.  It appears Monique didn't expect anybody to remember, so I am glad that we did and that all of us actually get to be with her.  If my memory doesn't fail me, this is the first time ever that Philippe and Monique get to be with both their sons, and all their grandkids, for any special day - or any day at all for that matter. So as far as I am concerned, this is a special birthday.

I asked what she wanted for her birthday, and she said cake. Easy enough then, cake it is!

On that note, next year will be quite the year in birthdays for our family. In January my mom turns 60. In April, Lionel's brother turns 50. In June my sister turns 40, and in July Monique turns 75!

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